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The nature of Kyrgyzstan is very gorgeous and diverse. 93% of the country is protected by mountains all over the ground. The lowest valley makes 400 metres above sea level. The Tien-Shan or Celestial Mountains translated from Chinese is a mountainous system consisting of 88 powerful ranges. Three world-prominent peaks are found in Kyrgyzstan. They are called Pobeda (7439m), Lenin (7134m), and the legendary white/pink marble pyramid of Khan-Tengry.
In Kyrgyzstan there are 1923 lakes totally.
Issyk-Kul Lake is the second-largest alpine lake in the world after Lake Titicaca which is in South America. The lake is located at the elevation of 1610m above sea level, 170 km. long, 70 km. across, with a maximum depth of 695m.
Son-Kul Lake is the second-largest mountain lake in Kyrgyzstan at the height of  3016m above sea level, with a supreme depth of 15m.
Chatyr-Kul Lake is positioned at height 3530m above sea level, with a supreme depth of 16m.
The principal rivers are the followings: the Naryn, Kara-Darya, Sary-Djaz, Chatkal, Chuy, Kekemeren and Isfairam-Sai.
Kyrgyzstan has many glaciers - there are more than 800 and they make up more than 4% of the land area of the country. The unsettled glacier is 60km-long anā is called  Inylchek Glacier.
The flora is rich and diverse, which can claim with the largest walnut forests in the world (the walnut is indigenous), dissimilar fruit forests, unique in their beauty and medicinal properties, large tracts of Tien-Shan spruce trees, Semenov fir, perennial juniper, pistachio and almond, sea buckthorn, barberry, wild blackcurrants, honeysuckle, wild rose, and a wide variety of mushrooms and different medicinal herbs.
The fauna of Kyrgyzstan is also very diverse with more than 80 species of mammals, over 300 species of birds and about 30 species of reptiles and amphibians. You have a good opportunity to see various faunas: from the very tiny rodents and birds till biggest mountain inhabitants - carrion-crows, and mountain goat. Here, remote high elevation places of High Mountain lives snow leopard which is a national symbol for the country.
Rare species of animals found in Kyrgyzstan are the wild ram, bison, mountain goat, roe, deer, bear, lynx and snow leopard were logged in The Red Book.